Orthodontics and TMJ Surgery
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) surgery is often a necessity procedure in order to resolve complex jaw joint issues such as TMJ disc displacement, joint degeneration, and pain. After you undergo TMJ surgery, your joints will be feeling great but it is common that your bite will not fit together the way it did prior to surgery. When this occurs, it is imperative that your bite be corrected to support your newly-repaired joints. By doing so, your teeth and jaw will be able to function in support of your newly repaired TMJs. Dr. McDonald has extensive experience with post-TMJ surgery orthodontic care and teaches other orthodontist around the world on how to finalize bite correction after surgery. After you have made the investment of TMJ surgery, it is so important to have an expert finalize your bite so that all of your time and effort will last a lifetime.
"I came in for my consultation and everyone was so welcoming that I just didn’t look anywhere else…it was perfect! Every time I come in everyone is so kindhearted and they are very honest about the expectations of my teeth and the time that I am going to have my braces on.”